Dr. Greta Krafsur
Assoc Prof Practice Great Plains Vet Ed Center University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
GPVEC PO Box 148
Clay Center NE 68933-0148 - Phone
Greta Krafsur hails from a 4-generation diversified family farm in eastern South Dakota. Prior to her appointment as associate professor of practice at the Great Plains Veterinary Education Center, Greta was a diagnostic pathologist at the SDSU Animal Disease Research Lab; clinical veterinarian, and director of pathobiological services for challenge model and vaccine development investigations at ClinVet SD; and more recently worked as an investigative pathologist in preclinical animal models of acute lung injury, allergic airway disease and bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis at Inotiv-Boulder, Colorado.
PhD Candidate: Colorado State University, Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology
Dissertation: A Large Animal Model of Obesity-Induced Pulmonary Hypertension with Left Heart Disease Committee: Kurt R. Stenmark, MD; R. Dale Brown, PHD; Gary L. Mason, DVM, PHD, DACVP; Randy Basaraba, DVM, PHD, DACVP; Franklyn Garry, DVM, MS, DACVIM; Timothy Holt, DVM
Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Pathologists (DACVP) Sept. 2018
Veterinary Anatomic Pathology Residency, Colorado State University 2013-2016
DVM Colorado State University May 2013
With Honors
MSc University of Tennessee, Knoxville Dec. 1997
Thesis: Biodegradable Staple Fiber Nonwovens Calendered with the Assistance of an Aqueous Solvent-Their Fabrication, Properties and Structural Characteristics
Advisor: Kermit Duckett, PHD
BSc South Dakota State University Dec. 1991
Textile Science, With Honors
Awards and Honors
Dr. Bob Tombs Scholarship 2018
Mark Gearhart Memorial Scholarship 2018
ATS Fellows Track Symposium Award 2017
Pattridge Family Scholarship 2017
18th CSU CVMBS Research Day 3rd Place Oral Presentation, Clinical Sciences 2017
NCBA, WD Farr Scholar 2016
Mortimer, Beef Today, Elanco Scholarships 2016
CSU Veterinary Specialty Resident of the Year 2015
Mortimer, Beef Today, Elanco Scholarships 2014
CSU Veterinary Specialty Resident of the Year 2014
Thomas Spurgeon Book Award Given to CSU First Year Veterinary Student 2010
William Inskeep II Pathology Scholarship 2009
Academic Interests
The underpinnings of Greta's research interests took hold during her T32 fellowship in the UC Denver Anschutz School of Medicine Cardiovascular Pulmonary Research Lab under the directorship of Kurt R. Stenmark, MD wherein she developed an integrative, multidisciplinary One Health approach to optimizing human health and the health of production animal species that sustain global protein requirements. Greta maintains adjunct faculty status at the University of Colorado Denver Anschutz School of Medicine so she can continue research collaborations in a neonatal calf model of cardiopulomonary adaptations to environmental hypoxia and a bovine model of pulmonary hypertension on left heart disease.
Diagnostic Expertise and Research Interests
Pulmonary Vascular Biology
Cardiopulmonary Pathology
Obesity-Induced Pulmonary Hypertension on Left Heart Disease
Epicardial Adipose Tissue as a Risk Factor for Adverse Cardiac Events and Therapeutic Target
Adaptations to Environmental Hypoxia
Acute Lung Injury
Pulmonary Fibrosis
USDA NIFA CO- Project Director July 3, 2018
Metabolism and Inflammation Predict Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes in Fattened Beef Cattle
FFAR/ICASA-Co-Investigator June 2021
Development of metrics to identify cattle predisposed to feedlot heart disease
Brown RD, Hunter KS, Li M, Frid MG, Harral J, Krafsur GM, Holt TN, Williams J, Zhang H, Riddle SR, Edwards MG, Kumar S, Hu CJ, Graham BB, Walker LA, Garry FB, Buttrick PM, Lahm T, Kheyfets VO, Hansen KC, Stenmark KR. Functional and molecular determinants of right ventricular response to severe pulmonary hypertension in a large animal model. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2023 Jun 1;324(6):H804-H820. doi: 10.1152/ajpheart.00614.2022. Epub 2023 Mar 24. PMID: 36961489; PMCID: PMC10190846.
Perkins-Oines S, Dias N, Krafsur G, Abdelsalam K, Perry G, Ensley D, Jones C, Chase CCL. The effect of neonatal vaccination for bovine respiratory disease in the face of a dual challenge with bovine viral diarrhea virus and Mannheimia hemolytica. Vaccine. 2023 May 5;41(19):3080-3091. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2023.04.005. Epub 2023 Apr 10. PMID: 37045678.
Applegate TJ, Krafsur GM, Boon JA, Zhang H, Li M, Holt TN, Ambler SK, Abrams BA, Gustafson DL, Bartels K, Garry FB, Stenmark KR, Brown RD. Brief Report: Case Comparison of Therapy with the Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor Vorinostat in a Neonatal Calf Model of Pulmonary Hypertension. Front Physiol. 2021 Sep 6; 12:712583. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.712583. PMID: 34552503; PMCID: PMC8450341
R. Brown, T. J. Applegate, G. M. Krafsur, J. A. Boon, H. Zhang, T. N. Holt, B. A. Abram, D. L. Gustafson, K. Bartels, F. B. Garry, K. R. Stenmark. Therapeutic Actions of the Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor Vorinostat in a Neonatal Calf Model of Hypoxia-Induced Pulmonary Hypertension. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2020;201: A3873
M.G. Thomas, G.M. Krafsur, T.N. Holt, R.M. Enns, and S.E. Speidel. Understanding late day morbidity in fed cattle: focus on pulmonary hypertension (PH). Proceedings Late Day Morbidity Challenges in High Performance Cattle. Organized by the Noble Research Institute, Veterinary Research and Consulting Services, Hy-Plains Feedyard, and International Consortium for Antimicrobial Stewardship in Agriculture. September 18-20, 2019, Ardmore, OK
Heaton, Michael P., Adam S. Bassett, Katherine J. Whitman, Greta M. Krafsur, Sang In Lee, Jaden M. Carlson, Halden J. Clark, Helen R. Smith, Madeline C. Pelster, Veronica Basnayake, Dale M. Groteleuschen, Brian L. Vander Ley. "Evaluation of EPAS1 variants for association with bovine congestive heart failure." F1000 Research 2019, 8:1189. https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.19951.1
Huang, Jing, Maria Frid, Michael H. Gewitz, John T. Fallon, Dale Brown, Greta Krafsur, Kurt Stenmark, and Rajamma Mathew. "Hypoxia-Induced Pulmonary Hypertension and Chronic Lung Disease: Caveolin-1 Dysfunction an Important Underlying Feature." Pulmonary Circulation, (January 2019). doi:10.1177/2045894019837876
Krafsur, Greta M., Joseph M. Neary, Franklyn Garry, Timothy Holt, Daniel H. Gould, Gary L. Mason, Milton G. Thomas, et al. "Cardiopulmonary Remodeling in Fattened Beef Cattle: A Naturally Occurring Large Animal Model of Obesity-Associated Pulmonary Hypertension with Left Heart Disease." Pulmonary Circulation, (January 2019) doi:10.1177/2045894018796804
Jennings, K. J., Krafsur, G. M., Brown, R. D., Holt, T. N., Coleman, S. J., Speidel, S. E., Enns, R. M., Stenmark, K. R., & Thomas, M. G. (2019). Characterizing the impact of altitude and finishing system on mean pulmonary arterial pressure and carcass characteristics in Angus cattle. Translational Animal Science, 3(Suppl 1), 1669–1672 https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txz052
Grunig G, Eichstaedt CA, Verneyen J, Durmus N, Saxer S, Krafsur G, Stenmark K, Ulrich S, Grunig E, Pylanka S. Circulating microRNA Markers for Pulmonary Hypertension in Supervised Exercise Intervention and Nightly Oxygen Intervention. Front. Physiol. | doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.00955
M.G. Thomas, J.M. Neary, G. M. Krafsur, T. N. Holt, R. M. Enns, S. E. Speidel, F. B. Garry, A. Canovas, J. F. Medrano, R. D. Brown, and K. R. Stenmark. Pulmonary Hypertension (PH) in Beef Cattle: Complicated Threat to Health and Productivity in Multiple Beef Industry Segments. Certified Angus Beef White Papers
Stenmark KR, Krafsur GK, Tudor RM. Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease and pulmonary hypertension in dogs: striking similarities to the human condition. Vet Path 2016; 53:707-710
Moore AR, Coffey E, Leavell SE, Krafsur G, Duncan C, Dowers K, Santangelo KS. Canine bicavitary carcinomatosis with transient needle tract metastasis diagnosed by multiplex immunocytochemistry. Vet Clin Pathol 2016 Sep; 45(3):495-500. PMID: 27571570
Krafsur G, Ehrhart EJ, Ramos-Vara J, Mason G, Sarren F, Adams B, Hanns C, Spraker T, Duncan C: Case Report Histomorphologic and Immunohistochemical Characterization of a Cardiac Purkinjeoma in a Bearded Seal (Erignathus barbatus). Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine. Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 103279, 4 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/103279
Duncan CD, Krafsur G, Podell B, Baeten LA, LeVan I, Charles B, Ehrhart EJ: Leptospirosis and tularemia in raccoons (Procyon lotor) of Larimer County, Colorado. J Zoonoses Public Health 59: 29-34, 2011
International Sled Dog Veterinary Medicine Association 2011 Spring Newsletter. Leptospirosis in Sled Dogs